We Guarantee Our Installation for the Time of Ownership
No Questions Asked
No Special Condition
Simple Honest Guarantee!
Tropicana Screen & Glass Inc. removes any risk to our customers from any faulty installation we have done. This means for the time you own one of our structures no cost will be incurred by the owner to repair or replace any part of the structure and or host structure i.e. house that was caused by our installation error. This is covering the customer of the most problematic situation in our industry. This costs consumers millions of dollars every year in repairs on products not installed properly. This is not a read between the lines or small print guarantee. We truly back it up and we have done so for 45 years. This is the first time we have ever put it in writing.
How do we do that? After 45 years of business we have taken a close look to understand and know what problems occur in a lifetime of owning structures built in our industry. We have seen thousands of jobs that we haven’t built and some we have built, and found ways to address and correct these issues.
We repair many structures a week due to this faulty installation that cost homeowners thousands of dollars after an owner’s short warranty expires.
We have seen the painful look of disgust on peoples faces when we break the bad news to them. No matter what they paid for the structure, we never hear of companies coming back and taking care of what they had caused after warranty has expired. Back in the 70’s and 80’s Tropicana started out like many companies giving a 1 year warranty and we have addressed our customers issues as old as 16 years passed warranty and corrected these issue without charge. Did we have to? No, but we felt it was the correct thing to do. The customer trusted us for a product and service, and the product caused a problem with no fault of the customer. In the late 90’s to early 2000s we went to a 10 year warranty. This was the best warranty in the business and still is today. We have now stepped it up once again to insure our customers the risk is all on Tropicana for the time of customers ownership.
Why do we care? It makes us feel good knowing that we are providing the best products to our customers just as we are homeowners ourselves and would expect a guarantee that a company and its staff knows 100% what they are doing is correct and that it’s not just for profit. We feel any company or person should stand up and admit to a wrong and correct it. This is what makes us improve everyday as a company and as individuals. A company knowing the unconfident skills of an untrained installers work will be backed by a one year warranty “enforced by law” will not outlast a product incorrectly installed. These companies are not professional or ethical and are willing to lower cost to justify for such wrong doing to avoid responsibility. Every company knows the value of their product in the industry, this is set by what previous customers have been willing to pay and deducted for their product and services.
What makes a great company and product? Many people today go on social media, ask a friend or look up some kind of reviews to see what companies are good. This is great way to weed out some of the companies and reduce some risk of being ripped-off. We still see a high risk in this, making you feel if someone else is happy you can be to. The only problem we see with it is the service and product are mostly graded up to the time after installation. This is like going to your nearest appliance store and buying a refrigerator, receiving great service
and a quick delivery time. Then going online and telling everyone that you loved your service and your refrigerator…5 Stars. Only to find out a year from then the ice maker is broke, then another year the lights blink on and off, then another problem years later. When you have had enough you go online and complain about a product that is no longer being made.
Tropicana feels the best way to truly rate a great product and company is by the lifetime of ownership. It’s what you didn’t need to do to it during the time of ownership or how much maintenance was involved or if any issues were they corrected without any cost to you.
Why do we Guarantee? Tropicana has been around for many years as we have noted and we have seen the construction industry change over the years to the point of contracting with a company is like choosing a president. It is like choosing between which one won’t screw up the most. If the construction industry loses enough business to the companies that are truly working to bettering the work and ethics, and raises the bar of what should be expected than everyone else will need to up their game. We feel this will improve society and influence more companies to better assist their employees to understand the importance of being responsible for their actions. It is important to remember that owning a company is a privilege that we have in the US – and it is our responsibility to respect the ones we serve.
Tropicana’s Employees & Insurance. All installers and staff are directly employed and trained by Tropicana Screen & Glass Inc. We never use sub contractors unless construction requires items outside of our Specialty Aluminum Structure License such as Concrete, Electrical, Drywall…ext. We carry workman compensation insurance on all of our employees and protects you and your property with a 2 M dollar liability insurance. We carry all proper Licenses in the county you live in. All permitted work is sealed by a licensed engineer and built to specs. Any proof of Licenses and Insurance is highly recommended before hiring any contractor with proof of installers covered on job site. Tropicana will provide this info on request and it will be sent from insurance company with customers name & address included on the form. This insures to the customer that the contractor is paid up to date with their insurance. Never accept a copy of an insurance form back dated.