Renaissance Patio Products Can Transform Your Lutz, FL, Residence
It’s a tale as old as time. You spend years working as a broker on Wall Street, or selling insurance uptown, or maybe running a pizzeria on the Lower East Side, and then after the kids grow up, get married, and move out, you head down to Florida to live out your golden years in the warm embrace of the Sunshine State. Here, you can sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather while you’re relatives are still up north shoveling snow and chipping ice off their windshields. At Tropicana Screen & Glass, Inc., we’ve helped countless residents throughout Lutz take full advantage of the beautiful outdoor living that Florida has to offer by providing a wide range of Renaissance patio products that help them make the most of their patios, decks, and backyards. We can install:
- Pergolas
- Patio covers
- Gazebos
- Screen rooms
- Sunrooms
- And more
Patio Products That Are Built to Last
Renaissance patio products are crafted using extruded, aircraft-grade aluminum, so you can be sure these structures will last for the long haul. This durable, rustproof material is perfect for coastal areas, such as Lutz, as it won’t corrode due to high air-salinity levels, and, to further enhance their durability, these aluminum extrusions are powder-coated during production. What’s more, all Renaissance patio products are built to withstand wind speeds of up to 175 mph, so you can trust that your new patio cover, pergola, or gazebo will stand strong come hurricane season.
Get Started Today!
To learn more about the Renaissance patio products that we offer to homeowners in Lutz and the surrounding communities, contact Tropicana Screen & Glass today.